Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Recent Etsy Favorites

As part of my renewed dedication to my shop on Etsy, one of the great side benefits has been how many amazing shops and sellers I've discovered out there.  So, here's my guide to some recent favorites I've found.


Handmade Journal - love the graphics.


Handmade peacoat.  For real it's a peacoat - available for most any size of dog.  The creator of this coat must be a creative genius. Or maybe it's just the expression of the pug that's so genius.  Either way, I love it.


Hand drawn bike cuff links.  Kind of makes me want to find my old (old) shirts from my lawyer days and break out some cuff links.  Except I think I ruined them in ceremonial fashion by turning them into work shirts while farming flowers.  It was worth it.


Waterfall scarf.  It is completely beyond me how they can make this to order for $29, but I  love it.


Petals cascade necklace.  I picked this one out, but in fact I pretty much love all of her work.

The thing is, this could be a never-ending post because there's *so much* great stuff on Etsy.  But I'll leave it here for now, and instead give you the link to my Etsy favorites.  And also to my Pinterest - Pinterest is probably a whole 'nother blog post, but I love it - and would love to find more of you on it!  So email me with your Pinterest name (or follow me and I'll follow you back) - funnest exchange of creative ideas out there.

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