Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Of Swimming Pools and Magazine Editors

There's nothing more flattering than a swim cap.
I did it. This morning I set my alarm for the ungodly hour of 5:05 am, and then woke up at 3:30, 4:15, 4:20 and 4:50 in anticipation of having to get up so freaking early.  And then I slunk out to my freezing cold car (10 degrees according to the thermometer those reliable Swedes put in my old Volvo), and drove to the Y and forced my somewhat sleepy/somewhat disbelieving body into the swimming pool.  And then, for the first time in a couple of years, I actually did a masters swim workout.  And it was good - I liked the coach, I made it through a couple thousand yards, I felt super accomplished for having finished some exercise by 6:30 in the morning.  Of course later in the morning I felt like a zombie, I kept desperately sucking down coffee, and at one point I was so out if I almost took a header down the stairs.  But still, I'm sure in the long run I'm going to be happy to be back in the pool, so I'm going to keep it up at least a couple times a week.

And when I got back and sat down at my computer, I found an exciting message in my Etsy convos.  A message from a magazine editor interested in one of my necklaces for a story on bridesmaid gifts.  Perfect! Except that he needed a hi-res copy of the picture.  Not perfect! Because the camera I take my product shots with is not hi-res.  In fact, to be honest, I'm not even exactly sure what hi-res means, even after spending some quality time on google.  But fortunately I have a neighbor (and friend of 23 years - seriously we met on the first day of college) that I thought might be able to help.

So I called and woke her up, and then went over to her house where she is currently trying to integrate her new fiancĂ©'s house full of stuff into her house full of stuff, and we dug through boxes and bags and the hooks in her mudroom, and a few kitchen drawers, and finally found all of the components to her extremely fancy camera.  That's a good friend.  And at the last minute she also gave me her point and shoot that she thought might work.  And thank god for the last minute addition of the point and shoot, because it turns out I have No Idea how to operate the fancy camera, and I couldn't make myself go back over there and ask her for a lesson when she's trying to dig out from all of that stuff and hadn't  had any coffee yet.  But the point and shoot did much higher resolution pictures than my camera, so I just ran with it and hoped for the best.

Here's what I ended up with.  Hopefully it works?  I sent them off to the editor, and fingers are crossed I hear something back in the positive.  Or even the negative if it's just about the quality of the pictures, because I'm not above bothering Leslie on another day for a tutorial on the super fancy camera.

Soooo, let's hope for the best on the magazine.  Seriously, bridesmaids love ferns!


  1. This story about the photo made my day!
    Just two nights ago (at 5pm) I got an email from the trade show basically saying "Congrats! we have decided to include you in the special pamphlet, and our designer has picked this photo so we need a high resolution photo at 5x7 and 300 dpi tonight." They had just gone to my Etsy site and picked out a photo. It wasn't a high quality photo.
    Anyways, I spent 2 or 3 hours that night tweeking the original and googling trying to figure out the difference between ppi and dpi, cursing the whole time.
    At the time I felt like surely I was the only one out there who was scrambling like that!

    Your final photos look beautiful, congrats on the feature!

    1. Kelcey - And I love your story too! Definitely makes me feel like I'm not in this alone.

      Congrats on having your photo in the pamphlet! That's exciting. Trying to figure out the whole hi-res concept is also kind of exciting. ;) I'm seriously considering changing the camera I use for my product shots - would be a lot easier to just have good photos to begin with. (of course I already have hundreds of pictures up on Etsy, but I guess it'd still be a good to make a change going forward…)
