Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Almost Back At It

It's a New Year, and I'm ready to get going with it.  We've had the loveliest of holidays, but I'm beginning to get that itch to be back in my routine.  Clark and Sam go back to work and school tomorrow, and I'll very quietly whisper aloud that it's kind of ok with me.  Not because I don't like having them home - I do! - it's just that they're too tempting when they're here.  If there's a pool tournament going on downstairs I don't want to miss it!  If there's a Walking Dead marathon - ok, I don't mind missing that one.

But I thrive in a routine, and that requires an absence of fun distractions to really put into play.  I'm also excited about a lot of new ideas for my business in 2014, and have a (dauntingly long) list of articles I want to read, and new designs to try, and analysis to compile from last year.  I suppose the downtime is good, because without it I'd still be feeling a bit sleep deprived and bedraggled, but now I'm ready to go!

Among the many ideas floating around in my head for the new year is this one - it's a big (2"?) round disc set onto a channel bead so that it slides on the wire.  I've been wearing it for a few weeks and am excited to add it to my Etsy collection in 2014.

One other idea I've got for the new year is to add some Etsy "How To's".  I get lots of questions about how to sell on Etsy, so I'm going to start covering a few of the topics and posting them on here.  If you've got any specific questions let me know, and I'll move them to the top of my list.

I'm wishing everyone a happy and joyful New Year, filled with people you love and work that inspires you.  This is your life - make the most of it!


  1. how did you get so many likes on your etsy shop? and your fan page on FB, other than having cool jewelry?

    1. Hi Donna - thanks for the question - I'll start with that one!
