Thursday, January 2, 2014

Social Mania

My first day back on the job (no husband no kid in the house) is winding down, and I'm supposed to be making jewelry right now.  Instead I've been watching a webinar on how to best use Pinterest, and fixing the shop on my Facebook page.  Oops.  My social media might've become social mania.  I've been using Facebook forever, and dipping my toe into doing more than lurking on twitter, but now I've got the bug and I've been playing with Instagram today too.  I'm sure there's a happy medium, some sweet spot where I'm having fun interacting with people, but not turning all of my work time into internet time.  Today I have clearly failed that test - no sweet spot for me.

But, in addition to all of my internet playing, I did manage to make a new batch of molds today (super shiny new bracelets heading your way!), and then headed out to Carrier Park for a little bit of uni.  The river was quite high.

This is from the Carrier Park side looking over at the Biltmore Estate.
Also this pic is brought to you by Instagram - today's boondoggle of choice. If you'd like to see more, come find me over there - and then I'll find you back!

Uni at Carrier Park was about all I had in me today.  Yesterday I did the "Pop-Up Chisel"  at Clasique.  Which I love, but which turned out to be just like regular Chisel, except it meant I had done it three times in five days, and thus the only thing popping was my lower back when I went into a hurdle position.  Apparently my body decided it was chiseled enough.  So today I very leisurely rode Thor around Carrier Park for 30 minutes, and then went to the chiropractor and had my lower back returned to its normal position, and that seemed like plenty.

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