Made it back to yoga today for the first time in about 9 months. Turns out biking and running don't really improve one's yoga practice. I was way creakier than the older crowd. But it's a lovely part of my off-season routine, and there's a teacher I love at the Y (cheap!), so I'm back on the horse - Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Y with Julia.
And this, friends, is exactly what my yoga practice looks like. Freaky man in banana-hammock standing on my back in odd Christ-like pose while I press my forehead gracefully to my shins. Except that that's totally not what I look like at all. For one, my forehead doesn't even come close to my shins, and for two, even if it did, there would be no sweaty fellow in a speedo standing on top of me. Because that's just weird.
But in the world of real pictures, here's a preview of the new circular glass tile necklaces. This one's still in its infancy - not trimmed or finished - but I'm pretty happy with how it's coming.
Love the circular pendant!