The thing is, she doesn't just make great jewelry, she also runs a great Etsy shop - called Tuckoo & MooCow (which, for those of you as literarily-challenged as I am, is a reference to James Joyce.) As most of you know, I decided to put some energy into my Etsy shop this fall, and it totally worked! People bought things! I shipped things! Joy ruled throughout the holiday season! And now. . . I want to keep the joy going. So when I met Sarah-Lambert I asked her if she'd mind giving me some shop advice - critique the good and the bad and the (hopefully not much) ugly.
Fortuitously enough, she also was in need of something, and a trade was arranged. What she needed didn't require nearly as much expertise as what I needed - she just needed someone to wear her jewelry so she could take some action shots of the jewelry in its native habitat - that is, on a person.
So we met one day this week, and she gave me a *ton* of good advice (which I'm going to go into in a lot more detail in a later post), and then I made faces at the camera and hopped around and tried to pretend like I knew what I was doing while she took pictures. I'll admit I wasn't expecting a whole lot - so when she put them on the Tuckoo & MooCow Facebook page I couldn't believe it. I kind of look like I know what I'm doing. She must have gotten rid of the super-awkward and dorky shots. My hair is big (my hair is always big), but not exactly finger-in-a-light-socket big. And I'm pretty sure that if there's anything Sarah-Lambert is better at than making jewelry, it must be Photoshop, because my skin didn't look that dewy when I actually *was* in my 20s! But, more to the point, her jewelry looks great. Here's a sneak peek of her shots - and you can head on over to Facebook for the real deal.
Ok, wait, speaking of dorky though - this one makes me laugh:
She did her usual great photography job, and her compact (which, it turns out, is actually quite useful if one is applying lipstick in public, or more likely for me, trying to do a quick check of whether there's something in their teeth) looks great. But I almost never wear lipstick, and if I do I'm definitely not organized enough to have an actual compact to use to apply it. And, plus, I've just never really seen a picture of myself like that, which makes me laugh. I look so intent on making sure that lipstick is really on properly.
But - now here's the truly tragic part. It turns out, after she processed these pics and put them up on Facebook, her computer crashed and ate them all. Before she had a chance to put most of them up in her Etsy shop, or back them up, or do anything else useful with them. I got these for the blog off of Facebook - but that's not exactly adequate for using them as product photography. So, I volunteered to go do it again.
But here's the thing - there's no way my hair's going to cooperate, or I'm going to remember how to look like I'm happy-but-not-manic, or she's going to be as successful at recapturing my youth. It's just not possible. So instead, these next ones will reveal me in the dorky, blotchy, crazy-haired true light of day. And I'll figure that's just the universe evening things out - some days you're the Louisville slugger, some days you're the ball. *
*I might have been reliving the 90s this week by listening to the CD collection I rediscovered during the studio overhaul. And that collection might include Mary Chapin Carpenter.