Sunday, May 9, 2010

Just Call Me Eastman Kodak. . .

Because I can finally take pictures again. But rather than buying another cheap camera, we instead bought semi-expensive phones that take pictures. Good multi-tasking, right? I figure this way we only have to worry about breaking one thing.

So here's (part of) our weekend in pictures. I don't have any City Market pics (partly because I didn't have time to play with the new phone, and partly because it was so windy I was afraid we were going to blow away like Dorothy. We actually saw a tent lift up and turn over - scary.)

But fortunately I didn't have to worry about the wind too much, because it was my turn to head to baseball instead. Hooray! Here's our baseball player (though he looks a bit more like a chipmunk in this picture than he does in real life.) Little League is soooo fun. They're so flipping cute. Plus the game was tied in the bottom of the last inning, and Sam scored the winning run. So he was feeling quite happy when this picture was taken.

After market and baseball were over, we headed over to the farm. It was the prettiest day:

Here's the regal beagle (also known as the current spotted dog of Spotted Dog Farm):

My two favorite boys in the world.

Sam showing exactly how big my Dad's prized flame azalea is. It's really, really big. I think only about half of it is actually in this picture.

Today was spent in equally beautiful settings - Bent Creek this morning (where my bike legs decided to return! Hooray! I don't know where they went last week, or why they decided to return, but I'm really happy about it.)

And then we went on the funnest adventure ever - which is going to warrant its own post once I get the pictures our friends were taking. But here's the teaser - check out Navitat Canopy Adventures. It was AMAZING! And I'll have the photographic proof in the next few days.

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